Carlow GAA Health and Wellbeing……. 2016

March 14, 2016

Cumann Luthchleas Gael Ceatharlach
Carlow GAA Health & Wellbeing 2016
To All Carlow GAA Clubs Adult and Juvenile
Club Health & Wellbeing Officers
A Chara
Many thanks for all your work in Health & Wellbeing and Healthier Lifestyles in your clubs over the past year.
This year the National Committee & Croke Park are really in earnest in providing top class coaching and training to all GAA Club Health & Wellbeing Officers on an ongoing basis. All our Clubs in Carlow want to be part of this;
The Training Course will be on
Monday March 21st 2016 in Netwatch Cullen Park at 7-30
Registration at 7-15
A lot of work has gone in to organising this course and with that in mind we need each and every club Adult & Juvenile to be represented. Please feel free to bring along one or more people that is or will be helping you in your club
As this course is particularly for all club officers we would welcome any specific questions or a problem (s) club delegates may have before- hand, so as to have them stream lined on the night. We want all delegates to get as much help and information as possible from this session. Delegates feel free to have a one and one with the Tutors

I would sincerely ask that this message is passed on to your Club Health & Wellbeing Officers at Adult & Juvenile level as soon as possible.
For further information contact
Tommy Murphy
087 6256028

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